Saturday, March 11, 2017

හැරී මකොපොලස් පෙන්වාදුන් ලෝකයේ වවිශාලම සොරකම කුමන්ත්රණ න්යාක් ලෙස බැහැර කිරීම නිසා ඇමරිකාව ගෙව්ව වන්දිය.

ලෝකයේ ඩොලර් බිලියන 50 ට වැඩි වංචාවක් මෑතදී සිදුවුනේ Bernard Madoff නමැති ලොව පිළිගත් පුවත්පත් රැසක් අයිති වූ ප්‍රකොටිපති වියාපාරියෙක් ලෙස කිරුළු පලදා අවසානයේ ලෝකප්‍රසිධ්ධ කෝටිපතියන්ගේ ධනය අතුරුදහන් කර ජිවිත කාලයම එකතුකළ තම විශ්‍රාම වැටුප ඔහුගේ වියාපාර වල ආයෝජනය කර අවසන් ලෙස හිගන්නන් වූ මිනිසුන් රැසක් ගැන කෙදවාචකයයි .

ඇමරිකාවේ නිෂ්පාදනය කරන 60 Minutes නමැති වැඩසටහනේ පෙන්වාදෙන්නේ ඇති නවීන ලෝකයේ දියුණු යයි කියන රටේ කිසිම නියාමන ක්‍රමයකට අසුනොවන ලෙස වසර 20කට වැඩි කලක් කරන ලද සොරකම පිළිබද වසර 2001 දී පමණ Harry Markopolos නමැති ගනකාදිකාරි වරයා  Bernard Madoff  ගේ ආයෝජන ක්‍රම විමර්ෂණය කරන විට ඔහු නීති විරෝදී යමක් කරන බව ඇමරිකාවේ විනිමය කොමිසමට පැමිණිලි කල විට මොහු ගේ චෝදනාව බැහැර කන්නේ eccentric 

(විකාර) අදහසක් යයි කියමින් නමුත් ඔහු අකණ්ඩව වසර ගණනාවක් පුරා කරපු උත්සාහය පලදරන්නේ 2009දියි.

අද ලෝකයේ අපට මානසිකව පුනුනු කරලා තියනවා සමහර දේවල් කිසිදු වගවිබාගයක් නැතුව විස්වාසකල හැකි බව, මේ නිසා අද ලෝකයේ මිනිසුන් තමන්ගේ ආර්ථික සවුක්ය වැනි මුලික ජීවන උවමනාවන් ලබාගන්න ආයතන කිසිදු වගවිබාගයකින් තොරව විශ්වාස කරනවා, කිසියම් පුද්ගලයෙක් මේ අතිශයෙන් විශ්වාසනීය ආයතන ගැන දෝෂයක් පෙන්වාදුන්නොත් බොහෝදෙනාගේ මනස සැකසී ඇත්තේ මේකියන පුද්ගලයා පිස්සෙකු ලෙස අර්ථකථනය කිරීමටයි.

මෙය ඉතා පහසු වැඩක් උනත් මේ කියනදේ කොච්චර ඇත්තද යන්න විමර්ශනය කිරීමට යන්නේ නෑ 

මගේ පසුගිය ලිපිය

 ඉකොනෝ මැට්ටා වැක්සින්  වල අඩන්ගු තිමරසොල් නොහොත් රසදිය ගැන කරපු  විස්තරය ගැන මම ප්‍රශ්න කළා 

 මම අබියෝග කරනවා { තිමරසල් සිරුරට ඇතුළු වූ විට එය එතිල්මර්කරි හා තියෝසැලිසිලේට් ලෙස බිඳී යයි. එතිල්මර්කරි මාළු ආදියේ ඇති කාබනික රසදිය සංයෝග මෙන් සිරුරේ නොරැඳී කෙටි කාලයකින් මළ සමඟ පිටවේ.} මේ කියමන ඔහු උපුටා ගත්ත  තැන පෙන්වන ලෙස.

නමුත් අද වනතුරු ඔහු පිළිතුරක් දුන්නේ නෑ (සමහර විට ඔහු මගේ ලිපිය නොදකින්න ඇති  )

මේ විදියට අපි පිළිගත් පුඋද්ගලයෙක් යමක් කිව්වහම ඔහු කියන දේ ප්‍රශ්න කලයුතු වෙනවා අන්ද ලෙස  විශ්වාස නොකර    


  1. "The half-life of methyl mercury in blood, which is assumed indicate the total body burden, is usually assumed to be about 50 days. In contrast, in children receiving thimerosal in vaccines, the half-life of ethyl mercury in blood was 7 to 10 days, or 1⁄7 to 1⁄5 as long as that of methyl mercury. Therefore, in the two-month periods between vaccinations (at birth and at two four, and six months), all of the mercury should have been excreted, so that there is no accumulation."

    Clarkson, Thomas W., Laszlo Magos, and Gary J. Myers. "The toxicology of mercury—current exposures and clinical manifestations." New England Journal of Medicine 349.18 (2003): 1731-1737.

    "We also measured mercury levels in the administered vaccines and found that the stated amounts from the manufacturers were accurate and that the mercury in the vaccines was exclusively ethyl mercury. The presence of methyl mercury in the blood samples therefore suggests that sources of mercury other than thimerosal contributed to the total mercury measurements.

    A half-life for blood mercury was estimated using a 1-compartment model as described in “Methods.” The half-life of blood mercury was estimated to be 3.7 days for newborns, 2.0 days for 2-month-olds, and 2.2 days for 6-month-olds (Table 2). We also calculated the percentage of mercury that was distributed to the blood compartment at the time of vaccination. Assuming that 8% of the child’s body weight is blood, the estimate was 3.2% (95% CI: 3.0%–3.5%), lower than the 5% blood distribution for methyl mercury."

    Pichichero, Michael E., et al. "Mercury levels in newborns and infants after receipt of thimerosal-containing vaccines." Pediatrics 121.2 (2008): e208-e214.

    "Total Hg derived from im thimerosal is cleared from the infant M. fascicularis much more quickly than MeHg. The washout T1/2 of total blood Hg after im injections of thimerosal in vaccines is much shorter than the T1/2 of MeHg (6.9 vs. 19.1 days)"

    Ulfvarson, Ulf. "Distribution and excretion of some mercury compounds after long term exposure." International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 19.4 (1962): 412-422.

    "Expert consultation and data presented to the GACVS indicate that the pharmacokinetic profile of ethyl mercury is substantially different from that of methyl mercury. The half-life of ethyl mercury is short (less than one week) compared to methyl mercury (1.5 months) making exposure to ethyl mercury in blood comparatively brief. Further, ethyl mercury is actively excreted via the gut unlike methyl mercury that accumulates in the body."

    WHO (

    I respect your right to believe anything and don't want to waste my time to change your "beliefs". I can help you (or anyone else) only if you really want to know the "truth" behind the statements of these youtube researchers and other social media researchers. Otherwise, I do not want to interfere here.

    Further, I have never denied that Mercury is toxic. It clearly is. Also, some vaccines contain sources of Mercury compounds which is a health concern. What I have explained is that the potential benefits of vaccines (including the usage of trace amounts of Thimerosal) outweigh any potential adverse effects significantly as per the current scientific knowledge.

  2. ඉකොනො,

    Thank you for the explanation, however information provided by you is inadequate please do read this
    this is not from a social media guru at the end this is what says
    “However, our knowledge on this subject is still incomplete, and studies are required to address the predictability of the additive or synergic toxicological effects of etHg and meHg (or other neurotoxicants).”

    The very reason they have use such para is that know for sure how dangerous is this chemical is, so in the future if there is a research pointing its adverse effect these scientists will have a convenient excuse.

    Now my friend this is the head of the FDA who testifying in front of the US congress
    To save your time listen from 5.25 congressman asked her a question that is does this mercury cause Autism YES or NO
    WHAT DID SHE SAY? I cannot give an YES or NO answer.

    So doesn’t that enough to know this is dangerous for the body.

    Also the heavy metal toxicity will be in the body for several years any brain damage will be visible not in two or three months but in years to come.

    This is what take place

    This is the very scientist who explain the adverse effect of this chemical and he is one of the very few who did explain about the adverse effect of this. I am sure you midget not spend one hour listing to this but this is the reality.

    Remember there was only 3 studies that was conducted to find the toxcicity of Thimarasol in the world This is one from the Calgary university Canada

    However there where studies to test vaccine effectiveness remember friend out of 24 studies 22 had been done by fraudsters like this

    1. //so in the future if there is a research pointing its adverse effect//

      If future research reveals that there's a causal effect of blogging on having brain tumors, I will consider stop blogging, but not today. Not even if someone posts a Youtube video claiming so.

      it very clearly says

      " our knowledge on this subject is still incomplete, and studies are required to address the predictability of the additive or synergic toxicological effects of etHg and meHg (or other neurotoxicants"

      even though the knowledge on this subject is still incomplete you are ok to take thimerosal, in order to take it you do not need them to prove that its safe but in order for you to stop taking it you need them to prove it dangerous.
